Thursday 5 January 2012

Looking for a good read

So there rarely is any downtime in business, but when it does occur I take some time to educate myself. I do this by looking into the lives of other people through the books they have written. I am sharing my reading list with you, some profound, some not so much, but all of which are entertaining. Maybe some of the words can inspire and motivate you.

My ultimate favourite:  The Legend of the Monk & the Merchant - Terry Felber - pretty straight forward concept on accruing wealth. Hard work, Discipline, Perseverance.

Other good reads:

Thinking, Excelling, Success

A Call to Conscience - Martin Luther King. Profound writings if ever in need of inspiration.

Screw Business as Usual - Richard Branson . In this book Sir Richard explores the lighter and more human aspect of doing business by examining case studies from several leading market players who have made philanthropy in business work.

Blink, The Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell. These are definately stop and think books. Each has your cognitive wheels turning making you aware that it only takes an instance or an opportunity for an innate response to be unearthed in the form of a snap judgement or decision. Promotes intuitive thinking. Also makes you realize that those who excel are the ones who have been given the opportunity to hone their skills in excess of 10,000 hrs. So if you want to be good at something you have to put in the requisite time.

Strategy, Planning, Execution

The Art of War - Sun Tzu - need I say more. The title speaks for itself

The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene - This book is a very powerful tool, not to be misused and has to be careful understood. If you don't work it wisely, it will be your demise.

Outwitting the Devil - Napoleon Hill  The book reveals the inner workings of the mind and how one battles with his/ her own fears in order to accomplish objectives.

Built to Last - Jim Collins - From the author of  Good to Great, Collins takes a step further into examining the core concepts about what makes some companies create an advantage in their respective fields.

Relationship Management

(The below list is extremely unconventional, but after reading them you will kinda get the drift)

The Celestine Phrophecy - James Redfield  - helps to understand how interconnected and interdependent we are a individuals.

The Alchemist  - Paulo Coelho. A million thanks to my aunt who introduced me to this author through his writings of the Zahir. The alchemist reminds us of the power of self.  It is very important in business to stay true to who you are and to not lose yourself along the way.

Dealing with Difficult People - Roy Lilley  I can guarantee you that in business you will come across that individual who will make you want to ___________. (You know what I mean)

Susan's Diary for Nicholas - James Patterson. A life lesson on how much people matter.

Haven't read too many books on networking and social media. Feel free to leave your recommendations or your thoughts on some of the books I've shared. Thanks for viewing.

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